

Registered Clinical Dietetic Counselling



Business Consultations

Workshops & Presentations

Sports Nutrition & Concussion

Occupational Therapy

Healthy Essentials Clinic is for people struggling with mental health and healthcare issues who need quality integrated care from multiple practitioners. We are dedicated to providing timely access to individual and family needs. Our structured programs are personalized for the mild, moderate or acute need.

Meet The Team

Our Values


Courage to come forward and grow at your own pace.


Trust to connect and belong.


Respect through kindness, recognition, feeling heard and being understood.


Integrity to appreciate who you are.


If you wish to book an appointment with Dr. Derry, a doctor’s referral is required.

Balancing Family Fun and Rest During the Busy Summer Months-From HEC Founder Christina Camilleri
July 25, 2024

As a registered clinical counsellor who specializes in family therapy, I often see families who feel the pressure of summer.... View Article

Schools out—tips for navigating the summer stress as a parent or caregiver. 
July 12, 2024

So schools are out and summer vacation has taken full effect. Are you feeling a bit of anxiety creeping in?... View Article

Healthy Essentials Clinic 5 Year Anniversary
May 29, 2024

We’re turning 5! And we’d like to celebrate with you, our community, Saturday June 1st at Swalwell Park. Fun for... View Article

Donate Now to our Extended Care Program.

This program enables individuals and families without extended health benefits to access our integrated health services.

*All donations receive a tax receipt through our charity partner The Community Foundation North Okanagan.