HEC News

Omega-3 and It’s Mental Health Boosting Benefits

Last week we dove into our series on the five well-being warriors, starting with vitamin D, the “sunshine vitamin”. Today,... View Article

What everyone needs to know about Disordered Eating/Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders are serious mental illnesses that can be treated and overcome with the proper treatment and a person-centred approach... View Article

Zinc: An Essential Mineral with Mental Health Benefits

We are back with another blog dedicated to supporting your mental health! The wellbeing warrior spotlight for this week is... View Article

The Mental Health Benefits of B-Vitamins

We have reached the end of our well-being warrior series, finishing last (but not least) with the B-vitamins! So far,... View Article

How To: Add Vitamin D into Your Diet Through Food

If you have been following along over the past few weeks, you know we have been diving into the research... View Article

Magnesium & Mental Health

This week we are back with another essential trace mineral that is fundamental to human health and well-being – magnesium! ... View Article